Why an annual check-up for your horse can save you money in the long run

Like any animal, your horse can’t tell you what’s wrong with its health. And by the time you notice something isn’t quite right, it may cost you in the long term.

While paying for a vet to conduct a health check on your horse every year may seem like an expensive exercise, it can actually save you money in the long run by catching (and treating) health concerns before they become a bigger – and more costly – problem.

Why does my horse need a check-up every year?

Regardless of if your horse is a family pet, working horse or performance athlete, annual check-ups are an important part of ensuring a long and healthy life for your animal. By being proactive with your horse’s health and having it examined on a regular basis, your vet can detect – and treat – any disease or health issues in its early stages. This will likely mean fewer emergencies, infections, dental issues and preventable diseases.

Vaccinations are also an important part of maintaining your horse’s health and preventing a range of conditions and diseases such as tetanus and strangles. Incorporating a full check-up in your vaccination routine is a great way to make sure your horse gets a comprehensive examination by a vet each and every year.

What does an annual check-up include?

When a Cameron Veterinary Services vet conducts an annual check-up of your horse, we undertake a comprehensive examination that covers all aspects of your animal’s health. This includes:

  • Overall physical examination – We conduct a thorough assessment of your horse’s body condition and check for any lumps or bumps on their skin. We also check their weight (using a weight tape), temperature and examine their coat condition.
  • Cardiovascular & respiratory checks – The horse’s respiratory rate, heart rate and rhythm will be checked for any abnormalities. We will also listen to your animal’s breathing to check for any signs of airway obstruction or congestion.
  • Eye check-up – A thorough eye exam will also be performed, checking for cataracts, tumours, congenital defects, or any other abnormalities such as “moon blindness”.
  • Dental examination – We conduct a thorough check of the teeth, gums, and tongues to pick up any abnormalities or issues with loose teeth. We can also trim any sharp teeth we find during the examination. Getting their teeth floated by a vet who is extensively trained in equine anatomy and physiology ensures you have a comprehensive picture of your horse’s overall dental condition.
  • Vaccination & de-worming advice – Preventing disease through vaccinations and regular worming is an essential part of keeping your horse healthy. At Cameron Veterinary Services we provide Faecal Egg Counts in-house in order to assess your horse’s worm burden. We will provide recommendations for a vaccination and de-worming schedule based on your horse’s individual circumstances and administer the required vaccinations during our visit.
  • Nutritional advice – Following all our checks, we can offer nutritional recommendations based on the condition of your horse, its age, performance needs and living conditions.

Want to know more?

At Cameron Veterinary Services, we pride ourselves on providing personalised care and advice. And that’s why we strongly believe in the importance of annual check-ups for all your big (and small) animals.

Give us a call on 08 8318 1801 to discuss our range of preventative veterinary care options for your horses.